We complain about the little space we have in homes. The top of the cabinets and the bottoms of the beds are not enough. Finally we need a storage room. But before beginning the transfer, it is advisable to follow some tips for ordering rental storage.
Cleanliness and order, essential in the storerooms
If it is a storage room in a specialized warehouse, it will be free of humidity. If, on the contrary, it is a storage room in the basement of a building, it is advisable to clean it well, to apply some anti-humidity product to the walls to avoid deteriorating the furniture and the equipment that we store.
Although it is obvious, it is convenient to place a good point of light to easily find what we want to find.
A storage room requires, all above, but also orgonizing. A good approach is to organize things according to their seasonality. Areas with winter elements: warm clothing, blankets, stoves. Another area, summer: fans, light clothes, beach chairs. Also the organization by activities is a good system: sports area, study materials, kitchen elements. The important thing, when looking for something, is to know where it can be and not to take half of the storage room in search of the Nordic quilt or skates.
It is also advisable to place large items of furniture, properly protected, in the background. Those that we will use more is better to leave them to the entrance or in places of easy access. If we have many boxes, you must create corridors. It is not convenient to erect walls. First, for safety: they can be unstable and fall. And, secondly, for reasons of organization. If we had to access the bottom of the store, we would have to empty it almost completely to get there.
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