Moving to a new city is a momentous decision that significantly affects people’s lives, so it is very important to evaluate all the elements involved. Sometimes, the move is presented to us because of a job opportunity, and in these cases we must be clear about our long-term professional goals, as well as the longed-for family stability.
What factors should we consider before moving for work?
If you are a young person who has just graduated and you are starting your professional career, the decision to move to another city for work reasons is relatively easy, since you basically want to learn and gain experience, you are probably not married and you probably don’t have children.
Under this context, it looks more than tempting to move, however, in most cases this is not the real scenario, for this reason, here are some factors you should consider before making the decision to move for work.
Professional development
The first element to consider is job development, and how the move will impact on career development. At this point we must clearly analyse the positive and negative aspects of taking the new job and ask ourselves some fundamental questions, such as: will the new job allow me to grow professionally, will I get a significant salary increase, will I get a promotion, does the new job fit in with my career development?
Personal gratification
The second point concerns personal satisfaction, i.e. understanding how we feel about taking the new job, and how this has an impact on personal expectations. Here we must pay attention to our feelings, as this will lead to a strong commitment to the job, and thus increase productivity.
Job growth opportunities
Another aspect to consider is related to professional growth in the new company. Generally, people want to move up the career ladder in an organisation, so it is important to make sure that the new job offers these possibilities. If this is not the case, then you should reconsider moving.
The location
The place where you move to is very important as many professions have headquarters where a lot of activity takes place, a typical case can be seen in Silicon Valley, a city where important technological ventures take place, another example can be seen in New York, a fantastic place for the development of the performing arts.
As you might expect, salary and contractual benefits are very important when making the decision to move to another city. If the new job offers a significant increase in your monthly income, you should seriously consider moving.
Personal relationships
Last but not least, we must take into account our personal relationships. If we are married and have children, relocation to another city will change their lives, so we must make sure that our loved ones are not harmed by this process. At this point there are many elements to consider, for example:
- The relationship with the immediate family, parents, uncles, aunts, uncles, grandparents, cousins, etc.
- The children’s school.
- The work of the couple.
- The personal desires and goals of each member of the family.
- The relationship with friends.
As we can see, moving to another city for work reasons is a complex decision that involves many aspects of your life, so make sure you analyse each of these elements, so that you can make the best possible decision.